à l'occasion de la Coupe du Monde du Football 2010
Prayer of self-offering
Into your hands i entrust these days of the World Cup.
Into your hands O Lord i commend my spirit.
Into your hands i netrust my life, my health, my work, my problems, my relationships with others.
Into your hands i entrust my fears and anxieties, my moods of enthusiasm and my times of despondency,
my feeling of gratitude and any feeling of
resentment or bitterness against life, against people, even sometimes
against you Lord.
Into your hands i entrust all my past, my present, and my unknown future.
Into your hands i entrust all the players on each team, all the fans and supporters who will be cheering htem.
Into your hands i entrust all the referees and officials and organisers.
Into your hands i entrust all the volunteers ans hospitality personnel.
Finally Lord, into your hands ... ( to be compoleted with your own personal intention )